Frugal Greeting Cards


Who doesn’t like to get a personal greeting card in the mail?

And they can be as fun to create as they are to receive. No, really. Even if you have labeled yourself as “not artistic.” Which, by the way, you need to quit doing right now.

I have been making my own greeting cards for a long time. Sometimes I draw or paint the picture. Sometimes I use beautiful images that I have collected from various sources. All of these prints came from either old calendars or the Missouri Botanical Garden’s bulletin, which as a member, I receive for free.

I trim the images as needed, and apply them to blank cards that I have purchased for this purpose. Those pictured here were purchased from a craft supply store with properly sized envelopes for 50 for $10.00, so 20 cents a set. Even including the rubber cement that I use to affix the images to the cards, the stamp costs more than the card ingredients.

The images can be tailored to the type of card being sent. So for my Christmas cards, scenes with snow. For a sympathy card, a landscape with rain. For a birthday card, something with happy colors or something quirky that will have the recipient smiling.


A few cards ready to mail.

Snow Day


View from my window this morning!

When I was working as a hospice nurse, a snow day meant that I had to get up earlier than usual to shovel out my 100 foot driveway before I could go to work. Then the day’s driving would be more difficult due to snow and ice covered roads. But sick people don’t get better just because the weather is bad, and we were a pretty dedicated crew.

All that extra work and difficult driving made it hard to appreciate the magic of snow, like I did as a child. Back then, a snow day meant a day off school, sledding and hot chocolate. Triple fun!

This morning, when I woke to the falling flakes, I made plans to stay in. I watched the dogs frolic in the park from the warmth of my window seat. I sipped my steaming coffee as two bundled children made snow people.

This afternoon the sun is out and I may just put my boots on and walk to the store. I’ve got a hankering for some hot chocolate.

Reducing Your Carbon Footprint: Easy Steps




photography of factory

Photo by Chris LeBoutillier

Climate change seems like such a huge problem that we worry that our own small actions won’t offset the huge polluters. This becomes a justification to ourselves to not make changes that are inconvenient.

But the truth is that most sweeping changes of human society started with small grass roots movements that took hold.

Here are some things that you can do this month to begin to reduce your carbon footprint:

  1. Switch to LED lights. Their initial cost is coming down and they use much less energy than incandescent or florescent bulbs for the same wattage of light. This reduces your energy bill and the amount of coal (or other carbon source) used to power your home. Turn off power to things you are not using. Be aware that electronics in sleep mode are still using power.
  2. If your energy provider gives you the option of choosing the source of your electricity, choose clean and renewable energy such as wind and solar power.
  3. Don’t buy more food than you can eat before it spoils. Decomposing food in landfills is a source of methane, which worsens climate change. Compost your scraps. Even an apartment dweller such as myself can compost. If you are an omnivore, eat one more vegetarian meal per week. Find sources for locally grown food and use them.
  4. Walk and ride you bike whenever possible. Share rides, use public transportation.

These are things that can be done without huge life-style changes.

Even more carbon reduction is possible when life changes are being considered. If you own your own home, consider installing solar panels, planting trees, use the highest standards of green energy and efficiency and non-toxic materials when repairing and renovating your home. Plant native species and edible gardens and use xeriscaping practices in arid regions.

If you need a new vehicle consider buying a hybrid or electric car, consider living car-free or car-light by moving closer to work and using ride-sharing services and public transportation.

Support the education of women and girls worldwide. This improves the lives of the individuals, their immediate family, their local community. Research shows that educated girls start their families later (instead of in their teens) and have fewer children.

Anytime you are about to purchase a new or replacement product consider the energy it uses, and how much toxic waste it will generate at the end of its lifecycle. Do you really need a programable coffee maker with electronics that become hazardous waste? Can you delight in the simple action of heating water in a kettle and pouring the hot water over the grounds? Do you need the T-shirt with advanced wicking technology for your weekly errands? How about wearing clothing made of natural fibers that can be composted when the fabric is worn out?

We vote for the changes we wish to see in the world with our time and our money. Don’t waste an opportunity to create the world that you wish to live in.