Taking Out the Trash


Pile of stuff taken out of the trailer.

Here is the huge pile of trash that has been accumulating these past weeks. My host Dana said, “Let’s get a dumpster!” So I did. But not quite big enough to share as was intended. I had way more trash than I thought, even with very carefully layering it into the dumpster to maximize the space available.


Trash gone!!!


Here is the dumpster where it went.

Floor is Gone

The floor is out. I have decided to keep the metal layer. It is in good shape in most spots. Where there is rust or holes I don’t need, I will patch with aluminum sheet. Which will be the next project.


Fore view. You can see I finally got out the blasted water heater, where the rectangular hole is. That was a bear to get out.


Aft view. Now the floor is out, I have to walk on the portions of the trailer that have support below. The sheet metal won’t hold my weight.

And the surprise for the day, was an unexpected visitor who lives on the farm. He actually went into the trailer, until the loud wobbly floor spooked him. I wasn’t quick enough to get a photo of him exploring Sheba, but here he is exiting.


See the goat rump at the bottom of the photo?


And here he is checking out the pile of trash, outside Sheba, along with some of the farm staff.

More Floor

It is slow going as I have to recharge the battery for the saw after cutting about 15 linear feet. I’ve got 2 batteries, but I can still cut faster than they charge.


Fore section. Toward the wall you can see the last layer, a metal one.

I accidentally forgot my hammer back at the apartment, so only had my trusty pry bar to pull things up.


Aft view

When I get down to the metal layer, I may need some new tools.