R.I.P. Sheba

It is with a bit of sadness (but only a bit, as we are talking about an object here) that I announce the Sheba renovation has come to a halt. I consulted with three construction experts over a period of 3 months. The consensus is that the Sheba project will not move forward. Technically, it is possible to repair the structural integrity of the trailer, in the same way that technically, it is possible to retrieve all of the Titanic artifacts from the ocean floor. It is just not worth the time and money involved.

So, this weekend I began demolition as Sheba is not strong enough to travel on the roads without shaking apart. Her roof is strong and heavy and I wasn’t sure I could bring it down on my own safely. First I removed the windows. Then  I removed some aluminum siding on the weakest side, hoping to have a planned “kneeling” in that direction.


Windows out. Starting to remove the siding.

It was successful and I brought the roof down to where I can start to dismantle it safely. Here is Sheba at the end of the workday Sunday.


What was the front–where the gas tanks used to be.


Rear view. You can see what was the door frame laying on top of the heap.

Of course, I will recycle the aluminum and anything else I can find a home for.

To my readers:

  1. This project was full of lessons, do not be sad for me.
  2. I may do a tiny house in the future, but not right away as other projects/responsibilities are calling to me.
  3. I think I need to rename the blog. I am open to suggestions. I’m leaning to “A Minimalist Life” but I have not checked to see if the name is already taken. Suggestions?

Eating Well on $3 Per Day: Finale

First, my apologies that the cheese ($1.89) did not make it into the original listing of purchases. That runs the total (with tax) up to $46.04.

Over the past 2 weeks you have been able to observe some strategies for eating fresh and healthy on a budget. To recap:

~ buy inexpensive, basic ingredients that can be made into a variety of dishes so you don’t get bored eating the same thing over and over.

~cook a couple meals worth of food at a time, so you have something in the fridge when life is too busy to cook.

~make “plan overs.” That is, if you are making a marinara sauce, make enough for spaghetti and pizza and chili. If you are baking chicken, make enough to make chicken salad later in the week.

~eat what spoils quickest first. I ate the bananas before the oranges and the spinach before the cabbage.

Over time, you will start to look for sales on your favorite staples and be able to add spices into the rotation, making for even more variety. Recall, I initially spent less than $46 for 15 days of food and here is what is left, which will make a nice start for the next 2 weeks.


Here is 12 oz. of spaghetti noodles, 20 oz. of oatmeal, 4 oz. of preserves, 2 oz. of peanut butter, 1/2 head of cabbage, 1# white beans, 1.5 oz. of cheese, 1 head of garlic, 1 onion. There was also 1/2 a loaf of bread that did not make it into the photo.


Frozen: 1/3 of the marinara sauce, 2/3 cup of peas and about 80 or so tea bags.


There are a lot of strategies for eating well frugally. I would love to hear yours.

Eating Well On $3 Per Day: Day 15


Orange, 1/2 cup oatmeal, 1 cup of plain yogurt with 1 tablespoon blackberry preserves added. Tea. Calories 380.


Chicken soup and corn chips. Calories 490.


2/3 cup frozen peas and 2 diced carrots steamed with butter, salt and pepper. 2 eggs over easy and a piece of butter toast, with tea. Calories 450.

Eating Well on $3 Per Day: Day 13


1 cup oatmeal, an orange, tea. Calories 360.


Tuna sandwich with those invisible corn chips. Calories 375.


This dish is 1/4 of a cabbage sautéed in butter with 1/4 of an onion, garlic and salt and pepper. It is topped with a chopped hardboiled egg and 1 oz. of cheddar cheese. Served with toast and butter. Calories 515.